How much seed do I need? Although 6 inch spacing is usually enough for seed garlic, 8″ will ensure the very largest bulbs. So, a 4′ x 4′ bed will hold up to 64 plants. Since these are averages, make sure you order a bit extra. You can always eat it!
For 6” spacing: Width (feet) times 2 X Length (feet) times 2 = Cloves Needed to Plant.
For 8” spacing: Width (feet) times 1.5 X Length (feet) times 1.5 = Cloves Needed to Plant.
How many cloves are in a garlic bulb?

The number of cloves will depend on the type of garlic. As a general guide…
Rocambole……..6-10 with an average of 7 good size cloves
Purple Stripe…..8