Swallowtail Farm Garlic wins Top Honours in 2018!
Is there anything better than a garlic barn full of beautiful sweet smelling garlic? Some of the most beautiful Susan Delafields ever grown were from Swallowtail Farm in 2018.
At Carp Garlic Festival 2018 our award winning garlic took home the
Beauty of The Day 1st Place Best Decorated Braid–Susan Delafield
2nd Place Best Softneck Braid– Portugeorge
2nd Place Best Softneck Bulb–Portugeorge.
Eastern Ontario Reserve Champion Garlic Growers!
Swallowtail Farm has been recognized for two consecutive years as the Reserve Champion Garlic Growers at the Eastern Ontario Garlic awards, the official competition for the best garlic produced in Eastern Ontario.
Carp Garlic Festival Awards!
Best Hardneck Garlic Award for two consecutive years at the Carp Garlic Festival, a festival that attracts over 100 growers !
2013 Verona Garlic Festival and Eastern Ontario Garlic Awards

…One of the features of the Verona Garlic Festival is the awarding of the Eastern Ontario Garlic awards, the official competition for the best garlic produced in the region.
The awards were founded by Maberly’s Paul Pospisil, with a view towards promoting continual improvement in the quality of garlic grown in the region. The awards were judged this year by the News’ own Wilma Kenny, who is certified by the Ontario Horticulture Society.
The awards this year celebrated one of the most accomplished growers in the region over many years, as well as newcomers and a home grower.
David Hahn won his 6th Champion Grower award his time around. New growers from Perth, Ali Ross and Glenn Gangnier, also produced top-notch all around garlic, taking the Reserve Champion’s prize…